Perpetual Motion - Hiatus
Dear readers. It’s with mixed feeling that I inform you the publication of Perpetual Motion will go through an hiatus. I’m finally able to go on a long journey again, and I like to focus on the travel while I’m at it. And my free time will be dedicated to other writing projet already on course.
Thank for reading and for your support, I hope you’re still around when the publication is resumed. There’s still so much to tell, we are only about a quarter of the way. There’s Kerala coming, then an excrutiatingly long train journey along the East coast, Orisha, a friend to meet in Jarkhand, a wedding in Bihar, the Northeast states of Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Nagaland, Varanasi, Delhi, then a side trip to Nepal, Kathmandu, a several week foot journey along the Himalayas, a meditation retreat, and the comeback to India for long time stays in Dharamsala and Ladakh.
Some time in the future they will all appear hear :)
See you soon.